GA4-Pinterest event mapping table for the Pinterest CAPI Addingwell tag
GA4 event | Pinterest standard event |
add_to_cart | AddToCart |
purchase | Checkout |
generate_lead | Lead |
page_view | PageVisit |
view_item | PageVisit |
search | Search |
sign_up | Signup |
view_item_list | ViewCategory |
watch_video | WatchVideo |
If you wish to send both page_view and view_item events to Pinterest, note that both events are returned to Pinterest on the same PageVisit event name. If you wish to distinguish these events in your Pinterest ad manager, an additional configuration is required, via an Override. (set up below)
Page_view override in Pinterest CAPI tag
If you want to distinguish between page_view and view_item events in your Pinterest ad manager, you'll need to set up the Pinterest CAPI tag to override the page_view mapping via an Override. The page_view event will then be returned as an Init event, while the view_item event will retain the name PageVisit on Pinterest.
Here's the additional configuration on the Pinterest CAPI tag. On the Pinterest CAPI tag, go to the Override Event section and fill in the Event_Name, Pinterest API Name and Pinterest Pixel Event Name fields as below:
Finally, click Save to save your changes.