Send user data
Check received data

Check received data

Receive user data

When receiving server-side events. You can check in the preview that the event data contains the user_data parameter.

In the GTM Server preview, go to the Event data tab.

Event data in GTM Server-Side preview

The parameters are listed in alphabetical order, so you'll have to scroll down the page a little to see the user_data parameter appear.

Option 1: Event parameters

User_data parameter in event data on GTM Server-Side

Option 2: User-Provided Data variable

Parameter user_data in event data on GTM Server-Side in User-Provided Data format

Addingwell Data Monitoring

In the Data Monitoring section of your Addingwell interface, you'll find a wealth of important information to ensure that your user data collection meets your needs and legislative constraints.

User data sent

In this section, you can see what user data is present in the requests arriving on your server. This is an opportunity to check whether the data received corresponds to the data you wish to send.

If you find that you're sending too much or too little data, you can change your GTM Web configuration.

User data in Data Monitoring Addingwell

In this example, we receive the email address.

User data presence rate

For each user data item, you have a presence rate in all GA4 events.

In this example, the email address is present on 1.2% of GA4 events received by the server.

Note that here we're looking at whether the parameter is present in the GA4 event request to calculate this presence rate, and this regardless of the presence of an associated value.

If you click on one of the table rows, you'll get more details.

User data per GA4 event

Here you can see the presence rate of the user_data.email_address parameter, broken down by GA4 event.

User data by GA4 event name in Data Monitoring Addingwell

For example, you can see here that the user_data.email_address parameter is present 17K times in add_shipping_info event requests, representing 5.5% of all add_shipping_info events received by the server.

On the other hand, the purchase event requests contain this user_data.email_address parameter 100% of the time, which is normal because all our users must provide their email address before completing a purchase.


Congratulations, you've now sent user data to your server and you know how to monitor it.