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Pinterest CAPITag Set-up

Pinterest CAPI tag set-up

Now that you’ve understood the benefits of implementing CAPI for Pinterest, follow our detailed methodology to set up your Pinterest tag and verify the data received post-implementation.

Import tag

Download tag

Click here to download the Pinterest Conversion API tag and click on the download icon to retrieve the file.

Download Pinterest CAPI Addingwell tag

Import the tag into sGTM

Go to the Templates tab of the server container, then, in the Tag templates section, click New.

Create a new tag for Pinterest CAPI

Then click on the three small dots at top right, then select Import.

Importing the Pinterest CAPI Addingwell tag

Save the new imported tag

Then select the newly uploaded template.tpl file, and click Save.

Save Pinterest CAPI Addingwell tag

Configuring the tag

Create a new tag in Google Tag Manager Server-Side and select the recently imported Pinterest CAPI tag.

To configure the tag, three pieces of information are required:

Once you’ve retrieved the Pinterest Advertiser ID, API access Tokenn and Pinterest Tag ID, configure the Pinterest CAPI tag.

Pinterest CAPI tag configuration server-side Addingwell

Tag parameters

Event Name Setup Method

Setup MethodDescription
Inherit from clientThe tag will automatically do a match beween GA4 events received from the client-side container and standard Pinterest events, using this mapping table. Each GA4 event not listed in the mapping table will be sent as a custom event to Pinterest.
StandardMatch your own GA4 events with those to be sent to Pinterest. Choose to send a standard event from the drop-down menu. By choosing this option, you can only send one event via this tag. To send other events, you’ll need to create additional Pinterest CAPI tags, each specific to an event in the drop-down list.
CustomMatch your GA4 events to those you want to send to Pinterest. Choose to send a custom event by entering its name.

Pinterest Advertiser ID

Enter the Advertiser ID retrieved from your Pinterest ad manager.

API Access Token

Enter the API Access Token retrieved from your Pinterest ad manager.

Send pixel request

This box allows you to send a request to the Pinterest pixel (=Pinterest Tag ID) (purple arrow on the diagram below) with the same event_id as the request sent to the conversion API, thus facilitating the deduplication mechanism. This complies with Pinterest’s recommendations in terms of ad tracking.

Pixel and CAPI implementation from the Pinterest server-side tag

With this Addingwell tag, it is therefore not necessary to have Pinterest tags on the client container: only the tag on the server container is required.

Don’t forget to remove your client-side Pinterest tags if you check the Send pixel request box on this server-side tag, otherwise your events will be sent twice to the Pinterest pixel, once from your server container, and once from your client container!

Pinterest Tag ID (= Pinterest pixel)

Enter here the Pinterest Tag ID retrieved from your Pinterest ads manager

Test Request

By checking this box, events will not be logged, but the API will always return the same response messages. You can use this mode to test that your requests work and that your events are built correctly.

Once you’ve completed your tests, remember to uncheck the Test Request box so that your events are actually sent to Pinterest

Triggering the tag

Trigger the Pinterest CAPI tag on relevant GA4 events using the mapping table.

For example, for an e-commerce site, the following events are typically used:

Event name

This list of events is of course not exhaustive and depends on your situation.

For optimal organization, create a Lookup Table variable configured as follows:

GA4 and Pinterest CAPI events mapping table

In the Pinterest CAPI tag, create a custom trigger verifying that the events come from GA4 (Client Name = GA4) and that the previously configured mapping table returns true.

Pinterest events trigger for Pinterest CAPI server-side tag

Next step

The Pinterest CAPI tag is ready, it’s time to check received data.

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