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Snapchat CAPICheck received data

Check received data

Once you’ve set up your Snapchat Conversion API tag, it’s essential to check the following points:

  • your server container sends events to Snapchat.
  • that the volume of events received by Snapchat is consistent and in line with expectations.
  • that the data quality is sufficient to enable Snapchat to link your key events to a specific Snapchat user.

Check sent events

GTM Server-Side preview

The first step is to check that the Snapchat Conversion API tag is activated correctly for the events defined in the trigger.

In the server container preview, make sure that the Snapchat Conversion API tag is triggered for a specific event (in our example, we’re checking its activation on the view_item event). Confirm that it appears in the Tags Fired section and that its status is indicated as Succeeded.

Check Snapchat Conversion API tag triggering in server-side

In the preview, click on the Snapchat Conversion API tag to check that requests have been sent to Snapchat via the conversion API.

Verify data sent via Snapchat Conversion API

Check the volume of events received

Snapchat side: volume of events received

Go to your Snapchat Events Manager. In the Event sources section, click on the name of your Snapchat pixel. Events received by Snapchat appear here, for Pixel+Conversion API data sources.

Check data reception via Snapchat Conversion API and Pixel snap

Snapchat side: pixel volume, Conversion API volume and deduplication

If you’ve implemented dual tracking of your events via the Pixel and via the Snapchat Conversion API, you’ll now need to make sure that the events:

  • come from both data sources, both from the Pixel AND from the Snapchat Conversion API.
  • are deduplicated. You need to make sure that Snapchat is able to recognize the same event received by the Pixel and by the Conversion API, and that only one of these events is retained. This is called deduplication.

In our example, we’ll check that our implementation works on the Purchase event:

Verify receipt of Purchase event via Snapchat Conversion API and snap pixel

Here we can see that both data sources are active, and that Snapchat is correctly receiving Purchase events from both the pixel SDK (491 events from the Snap pixel) and the Snapchat Conversion API (511 events from the Server).

The number of events received from the Pixel (=browser) should remain relatively stable: the addition of the Snapchat Conversion API tracking source should not impact the volume of data received via the browser. You should therefore see a more or less similar number of events for this pixel data source.

On the other hand, the number of events received from the server (Snapchat Conversion API) should be greater than the number of pixel events. If you see between 5 and 20% more events for Conversion API, your set-up is good. If the volume of data received from the server is higher, your set-up needs to be checked.


If you see a higher volume of events coming from the Pixel than from Conversion API, this means that you still have a Pixel implementation in which the event ID has not been configured, and that you are receiving events from the Pixel without deduplication. It’s possible that a Pixel is configured outside GTM WEB via a hard-coded implementation in the site code (check with your developer team).

Now we need to make sure that these events sent to Snapchat are indeed deduplicated, by clicking on the Deduplication tab in the event view.

Check event deduplication in Facebook Ads Manager

Here we see that deduplication is effective, no problems detected. Event IDs are sent 100% from the Pixel and 100% from the Conversion API, enabling perfect deduplication.

Finally, the Overlap information gives us the percentage of events containing a deduplication key, and received from both the Conversion API and the Pixel. In our example, this means that :

  • 99.03% of the events received were sent jointly by the two data sources, with the same Event ID. All these events are therefore deduplicated.

Addingwell via Tag Health: successful requests

Access the Tag Health tab in your Addingwell container. Start by examining the number of requests sent for the Snapchat Conversion API over a given period, as well as the success rate of these requests. Click on Snapchat Conversion API for more detailed information.

Check Snapchat Conversion API requests on the Adddingwell container

This screen displays details of events sent by your server to the Snapchat Conversion API, as well as the success rate of requests, which in our example is 100%.

Percentage of success in Snapchat Conversions API requests on the Adddingwell container

Check the quality of data received

Sending your conversion events to the Snapchat platform is a crucial first step, but this process can be optimized by adding user data (such as email, phone number or first and last names) to these events. This information enables Snapchat to match the data sent from your server with a real user in their database.

This allows Snapchat to :

  • Better attribute conversions, by identifying conversions that otherwise would not have been associated with your Snapchat campaigns.
  • Optimize your bids more effectively, thanks to better data quality.

For a detailed guide to reliable server-side user data delivery, see our documentation on this topic.

Addingwell side via Data Monitoring

Access the Data monitoring menu from your Addingwell container. This screen lets you view all the user data processed by your GA4 client and made available for your server-side events. For example, you can see that email data is present in 25.9% of server-side events. To view the list of events where user emails have been sent, click on the search icon for more details.

Check the quality of data received Data monitoring Addingwell

On this screen, you can see the percentage presence of email user data in your server-side events.

Check the quality of user data in Addingwell

In our example, user email data is present in 100% of purchase events, but only in 35.8% of add_to_cart events. This is consistent with our conversion funnel, since email is not always available at the add_to_cart step.

The data transmitted is of high quality, as the events contain the relevant and available user information.


You’ve finished configuring the Snapchat Conversion API, and you’ve verified that your data is being sent to Snapchat, and that the data is indeed qualitative.

If you encounter any problems during these steps, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.

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