Real-time visit log in Matomo

Real-time visit log in Matomo



Receiving events in Matomo

If you hover this icon, you'll see more information about the event:

  • event category
  • event action
  • event name
  • event value


Receiving goals in Matomo

If you hover this icon, you'll see more information about the goal:

  • the goal name
  • the value associated with the target
  • the date and time of the goal



Receiving clicks on a link in Matomo

If you hover this icon you will see more information about the outlink:

  • the link in question
  • the date and time the link was clicked


Downloads received in Matomo

If you hover this icon, you'll see more information about the download:

  • the link to the downloaded file
  • date and time of download

Site search

Receiving site searches in Matomo

If you hover this icon you'll see more information about the site search:

  • the search term
  • date and time of search
More information on site searches in Matomo


Category views

In Matomo, category views are sent via page views.

Receiving category views in Matomo
More information on the category view in Matomo

Product views

In Matomo, product views are sent via page views.

Receiving category views in Matomo
More information on the product view in Matomo

Cart updates

In Matomo, cart updates are considered abandoned carts. The cart will remain abandoned if there is no order in the visit.

Receiving category views in Matomo
More information about the product view in Matomo


Receiving orders in Matomo
More information on orders in Matomo


Content impressions and interactions are not visible in the real-time visit log, you need to access the visitor profile to see them.


Receiving content impressions in Matomo


Receiving content interactions in Matomo

Custom dimensions

Receiving custom dimensions in Matomo

Heartbeat requests

Receiving heartbeat requests in Matomo